The car is now all legal and stuff!

After much procrastination I finally got the car registered and took it over to Security Sound Systems in Haverhill for its mandatory pre-insurance inspection. I was not aware that such a beast existed but, apparently, used vehicles registered in MA must be documented and photographed to make sure all of their important bits are in place before the insurance company will sign off on a deductable for fire/theft/comprehensive.

The stereo installer who documented my car was extremely amused by the fact that it was almost completely stripped and got a laugh out of the fact that I had to pull the radio out of the trunk for him to photograph it for the insurance company. He was also impressed by my endevour…he mentioned that in the three years he’d been doing stereo installs I’m the first guy he’s seen who actually does racing other than drag racing or street racing.

When the pre-insurance inspection was finished I headed over for the state inspection. I rolled in, the technician got in the car and promply drove it up onto the 2WD dyno. It took about ten minutes to convince the technician that the car was, in fact, AWD and that firing it up on the dyno would destroy the center differential.

Once the 2500 RPM sniff test was run he checked the suspension and failed me because the car was too low to get the jack underneath it. I showed him the stock springs in the trunk and he passed me once, after pointing out the stripped interior, I convinced him that I didn’t want to be on the 5Zigens any more than he wanted me to be on them and that the car would be stripped and almost completely rebuilt within the month.

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